Kateřina Hamplová Vachušková

Kateřina Hamplová Vachušková

Map Business address
U Plovárny 1419, Nový Bydžov
Telephone E-mail
+420 775 322 802 katerina.hamplova@volny.cz
Price per therapy
3.100,- Kč
Offers therapy in these languages
English, Czech

Why do I use the RUŠ Method? (why has it become the method of my choice)

Why the RUŠ Method? Because it works! And because its logical, easy-to-use principles are available even for pragmatic people like me. Because once you have decided, you can apply it for every problem you have. Everybody deserves to be happy and I have a high regard for everyone who desides to go through it and change his or her life.

‘What benefits has the RUŠ Method brought me personally

Peace and quiet (finally). Almost miraculous changes in some areas - ask me for example about the dentists! :-) My life is completely in my own hands and I love it. And moreover - I have a tool to get rid of every problem that may appear in the future. Gorgeous.

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