Věra Pakostová

Věra Pakostová

Map Business address
Foustkova 6, Brno
Map Other places of contact
Telephone E-mail
+420 603 993 959 rusverus@seznam.cz
Website Price per therapy
rusverus.eu 3500,- Kč, (možno i ON-LINE)
Offers therapy in these languages
English, Czech, German, Russian, Slovak

Why do I use the RUŠ Method? (why has it become the method of my choice)

Because it is a revolutionary method with an immediate and mainly a permanent result. It is very effective in the quick removal of that which burdens us (fear, hopelessness, loneliness, anger, low self(esteem), illness…), and after that it automatically sets a sense of content in all areas. The mental state is “all the way in the 1st place”.

‘What benefits has the RUŠ Method brought me personally

I am simply happier and more balanced. It changed my point of view on many things (not just on how we function, but mainly that it has a large power to change yourself and be more content). For example: my daughter has no atopic eczema, son has no tonsillitis, I am not under stress because of what I must do, I have a better relationship with my parents and husband, and also a new profession which fulfills me… constant searching in the unexplored water of psychosomatic… and much more.

What are my results with clients

I much like to enjoy the change of the client and how his perception of the problem, with which he arrived, changes. The client leaves calm, he feels light as if he threw away a heavy burden which he carried around for even up to decades. He shares the enjoyment of realizing how everything is logical and simple, why they act the way they act. They can better see the connection between childhood and the present.

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