Opinion of a physician

RUŠ – the case studies were provided by Renata Gorthova, M.D., General Practitioner

Patient J. R., born 1990

On 4 November 2011, a gynaecologist diagnosed patient J. R., born 1990, with pregnancy using sonography. In addition, a myoma sized 8x7 cm was detected. The gynaecologist recommended an abortion, because such a large myoma did not make it possible to carry a healthy baby to term. 

  • 5 November 2011 – RUŠ therapy – a relationship with father resolved
  • 11 November 2011 – A follow-up ultrasound examination, the myoma reduced to the size of 2x3 cm. The abortion is suspended and little Ela was born on 11 June 2012. The delivery was spontaneous, without any complications.

Patient L. C., born 1993

The patient diagnosed with a non-toxic thyroid nodule (a lump in a thyroid gland), indicated for an operation of a thyroid gland.

  • On 20 August 2012, sonography of the thyroid gland performed with the following conclusion: A hypoechogenic focus of up to 8.5 mm in the right lobe of thyroid gland. A mixed focus sized 6 mm in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. A small cyst sized 2 mm in the right lobe of the thyroid gland.
  • 21 August 2012 – The basic relationship with mother and a GP resolved using the RUŠ Method
  • 24 August 2012 – A follow-up sonography of the thyroid gland performed with the following conclusion: The hypoechogenic focus sized 4 mm in the left lobe of the thyroid gland – remission. The mixed focus in the right lobe of the thyroid gland 2 mm – remission. The cyst in the right lobe vanished. The operation was cancelled.

Pacient M. T., 1961

Based on a mammographic examination, the patient was recommended a biopsy of breast.

  • 12 June 2012 – Sonography of breasts and axillas: A bilaterally increased fibroglandular tissue. On the right, around 2 cm from the areola there was an irregular hypoechogenic focus with an inhomogeneous dorsal shade sized 12x5 mm.
  • 16 July 2012 – The basic relationship with father and brother resolved using the RUŠ Method
  • 17 July 2012 – A follow-up sonography performed: The lesion suspected of malignity based on cytology appears to be a small island of a transformed fatty gland. The scheduled biopsy is cancelled.

Patient A. M., 1983

A patient diagnosed with infertility – she rejected the in-vitro insemination after 3 years of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant in the natural way.

  • In early December 2011, the basic relationship with mother resolved using the RUŠ Method.
  • She got pregnant in the natural way right in the next cycle.
  • Little Hanka (51 cm, 3,770 g) was born on 4 September 2012.

Published with a kind consent of Pavel Nyvlt, M.D., N.D


Around 50 years, diagnosis: severe endogenous depression, Crohn’s disease (incurable disease), chronic fatigue syndrome. Disputes with son in family history. Son consumes drugs, steals, criminal behaviour.

  • The RUŠ Method was used to remedy the basic relationship with his father, having released multiple mental blocks.
  • The second sample taken after a thirty minute therapy.
  • The chronic fatigue syndrome was cured immediately. The Crohn’s disease in remission (does not disturb him). 
  • During follow-up checks, the patient feels happy, is creative, full of energy and joy of living, and does not have problems with his son.
Metoda RUŠ - názor lékaře (těžká endogenní deprese, Crohnova choroba, chronický únavový syndrom) Metoda RUŠ - názor lékaře (těžká endogenní deprese, Crohnova choroba, chronický únavový syndrom)


55 years, diagnosis: decompensated type 2 diabetes, collapse condition, fainted, brought to a hospital, diagnosed with diabetes. Released from hospital after an infusion therapy, feeling very bad and weak. She feels like fainting again. Blood withdrawal at the office of dr Nyvlt. Four deaths in the family within one year. Including a death of her daughter at the age of 35 years from breast cancer. Her partner broke up with her shortly after the funeral. This was an immediate cause of her collapse.  

  • A thirty minute therapy using RUŠ, resolving the relationship with her partner. A big relief, she feels well.
  • Immediately after the therapy, another blood sample taken.
  • She stopped injecting insulin (30 units a day).
  • Conclusion: resolution of a decompensated type 2 diabetes with a psychogenic basis (multiple deaths) using the RUŠ method.
Metoda RUŠ - názor lékaře (dekompenzovaný diabetes II. typu - cukrovka) Metoda RUŠ - názor lékaře (dekompenzovaný diabetes II. typu - cukrovka)

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